That is beautiful. I love the color and the lighting and I adore the details it's all beautiful looking great job.
That is beautiful. I love the color and the lighting and I adore the details it's all beautiful looking great job.
Thank you :D <3
First of all Sculpture is also art so I believe you didn't disqualify (its also classic so I think its okay haha).
And second I love it how it looks vintage.
Two things one I wanna know whether you made it digitally or traditionally and second I think it could have been pimped up more coz this is just almost the same thing.
Over all good job.
Oh thanks! This is completely digital. I use photoshop and Huion kamvas gt221 Pro. I realise many times my art lacks character and I need to jazz it up. I think I lose it when I work on the sketch for too long. I'm working on that, slowly but surely!
Great one color scheme is amazing and absolutely love Logan and Benji. Beautiful piece. Really dont worry about the "haters" who really dont know how to critic helpfully... you have done a great job. Also I like how Jazza is pretty sexy in this image... I think that organization of characters could be different but thats my opinion everyone has different eyes... Again great job...
P.S. Love the colors... <3
Thank you so so much!!! <3
Oh that is just mind blowing. That is amazingly beautiful. I really got nothing to add thats just beautiful.
Wow! Thank you so much! You really are the "sweetest creeper" 😂😂😂
I saw the thumbnail and I already loved it. I love the art style so much and its very chic. I just want to say that I don't really see the "modern" part included in this piece, again great piece, love it.
This is the WIP piece. I didn't want to make the sketch too complicated, but if you're interested in what it turned out, I've recently uploaded the final drawing. Thank you for the good reviews! 😊
I wont lie I was thinking almost the same thing, but then I decided something else, anyway I love the interpretation and absolutely love the lighting its just perfect. Very nice piece.
Thank you very much, it's awesome to see a message like that, good luck on your piece!
Good color choices, I am very curious to see the original art work. Please let us know. (Also you have to add the original art work link soo...)
In the artist description I linked the work in progress and the original image on the same post.
So it's deffinatley there :)
Love it. Its so sharp, I love the cartoon-y style. I don't exactly get the idea of the image but then again I am never caught up on YT drama and the YT memes. Anyway great job with colors and I love that cow. MMMOoooooooo out! lol sorry that was very very cringey!
Haha, thanks so much! There isn’t really suppossed to be an idea, lol. The guidelines we had for the contest were to take a classic piece and make it “modern”! And don’t worry the cow loves you back :D again, thanks so much!
Simply beautiful. Love the moon light coming in as well as the firey color at the tops of the building. Amazing work on the pants and great choice of colors. Good shading as well. One little thing I don't really feel pain when I look at it. I don't feel that someone's hurting. Which is a small thing something to work on.
thank you so much also ill try and work on that ^w^
Joined on 12/11/17